Newsletter Dec 13

Hello, dear << Test First Name >>,

How are you feeling in 12.12 energy? In Singapore, where I am, it's already 13 Dec, but still feeling the potent upgrade energy from 12.12.

All that does not allow you to "upgrade" might have surfaced, so that you can let go, make space for "upgrade" to happen. Upgrade can be simply to align with Unconditional Love, Open heart to give and receive, or acknowledging your power instead of being victim etc.
I like how Elizabeth Peru described one of the theme as "Lovingly embrace your power and apply maturity" in this post.

We tend to imagine "power" is to overpower others, having control, forcing and so on. However, the essence of true power and strength in this Aquarian age is to hold UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Not so easy to do from my personality view, yet the high frequency energy, as well as planet Earth are supporting/guiding us to reach there.
When you can hold unconditional love and divine neutrality (I feel that it is spiritual maturity), you are allowing yourself to know that there is a bigger picture, even if our human mind can't comprehend. This makes you relax instead of having tension or judgement to what is happening in physical realm. Then, you can draw energy to create your beautiful life :) It is not to escape from reality, but shifting focus.

Support for my journey this month
I usually get inner guidance to apply different teachings and tools depending on my needs. When it comes to 'true strength" this product from Lotuswei feels so appropriate and it is sweet! Take a look at their True Strength blend here.
Do you have any favorite support for your journey? Please share by replying this email :)

Meditation Journey

Let's take time to cultivate "Openness & True Strength" with support of meditation, as well as the Sacred sound of Crystal Singing Bowl.

Meditation Journey tomorrow, on 14 December, is at 7:30pm-8:30pm Singapore time. Please let me know if you would like to join this relaxing and rejuvenating session by replying this email. If it's not a perfect time for you to join in live, not to worry. Recordings will be sent to all who are registered.

Kundalini Yoga class on 16 December (Last class this year)

The theme for this Thursday is " Open your heart ". It is amazing that we have this high frequency so that we can open our beautiful heart even more!! No more holding back. As we do so, we invite more love and give more love.
More details about class is here.

Would you like to join? Let me know by replying this email.

Online Private sessions

This is where I work with you on 1:1 bases, in order to create the best session for you. I hold space for you so that you feel very safe and allow yourself to BE, then take step forward to liberate yourself when you are ready. Take a look at my offering by clicking here.
If you are not sure where to start, why don't you message me or make an appointment for a 15min chat with me by replying this email.

It's been my pleasure to work with many beautiful souls in this powerful time.

Love and Gratitude,


Kundalini Yoga January – March 2022


Reiki 1 Class - December 2021