About Meditation and Breathwork

Meditation and Breathwork

How do you cleanse the mind?

Practicing meditation is a perfect way to do so. The mind generates thousands of thoughts everyday, yet many people don’t have opportunity to cleanse it.

Some Meditation benefits

Through breath work and meditation, you can:

Promote inner peace and calmness
Stress management
Pain management
Promote sense of wellbeing
Balance the glandular system
Promote warmth, kindness and compassion to yourself and others
Break habits that do not work for you anymore and create new supportive habits

Weekly Meditation Gatherings:

I am currently offering weekly online group
Meditation Journey Sessions
that combine the elements below:

Breathwork meditation
Mantra, chanting meditation (Non-religious)
Guided meditation
Sound bath meditation (Crystal Singing bowl)

Would love you to join us !